§ 7. [Powers of board of commissioners.]  

Latest version.
  • The board of commissioners of Gilmer County, Georgia, is authorized to enact ordinances, rules, resolutions, and regulations implementing the powers granted by the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia to the governing authorities of the various counties in the State of Georgia. The board of commissioners shall not disburse or pay out any county funds unless the same shall have been approved and disbursed in accordance with the county's written policy thereon, provided that this requirement shall not apply to the jury scrip issued by the clerk of the superior court and orders drawn by the judge of the superior court and district attorney. In addition, the board shall have the following powers and duties:


    To cause the Code of Ordinances of Gilmer County to be updated at least annually;


    To maintain, or cause to be maintained, an accurate accounting of all financial affairs of the county and to submit a report thereof to the people annually;


    To inspect, at least annually, roads, bridges, buildings, or other public works of the county and to submit a report of same to the people;


    To prepare annually and cause to be filed in the permanent records of the county an inventory of all county property, both real and personal, which inventory shall show the amount of insurance coverage provided for each building, vehicle, or other item of county property;


    To undertake and transact such other business as is necessary for the orderly conduct of county affairs; and


    To prepare and submit to the grand jury, at each term of the Superior Court of Gilmer County, a report which shall show the ad valorem taxes collected from each district of said county and all other taxes collected in each district and an itemized statement of all receipts and expenditures and the source from whence received and from whom received and to whom paid and for what purpose same was expended and the vouchers therefor and also the number and names of parties to whom paid with correct itemized amounts so received and paid out.


    To adopt annually no later than April 1st of each calendar year and amend thereafter as needed, a road paving priority list that is to be paid in part or whole by local funds. No county road shall be paid without having been first adopted on the list.


    To prepare and submit annually at the beginning of each year, an organizational chart of the county identifying the department head positions. When hiring an individual as a department head, as defined by the organizational chart of the county, such hire shall be by majority vote of the Board of Commissioners, further conditioned any candidate proposed shall be approved by the chairman. When dismissing or terminating an individual as a department head, as defined by the organization chart of the county, such dismissal or termination shall be by majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. When a department head position is vacated for any reason, the chairman shall have the discretion to hire or promote an employee as an interim department head for a period of no longer than a total of 90 days.


    To prepare and adopt each calendar year, a detailed list of county property that is no longer useful in the service of the county.

(1995 Ga. Laws (Act No. 105), page 3824, § 7; Res. No. 09-095, 12-10-2009; Res. No. 11-057, 8-25-2011; Res. No. 16-042, 4-14-2016)