§ 1. Gilmer County Building Authority created.
§ 2. Membership.
§ 3. Definitions.
§ 4. Powers.
§ 5. Credit not pledged and debt not created by bonds.
§ 6. Trust agreement.
§ 7. Refunding bonds.
§ 8. Venue of actions, jurisdiction.
§ 9. Revenue bond validation.
§ 10. Interest of bondholders protected.
§ 11. Revenues, earnings, rents, and charges; use.
§ 12. Sinking fund.
§ 13. Exemption from taxation.
§ 14. Immunity from tort actions.
§ 15. Property not subject to levy and sale.
§ 16. Trust funds.
§ 17. Construction.
§ 18. Scope of operations.
§ 19. Conveyance of property upon dissolution.
§ 20. Effect of partial invalidity of Act.
§ 21. Effective date.
§ 22. Repealer.


To create and establish the Gilmer County Building Authority, a body corporate and politic and an instrumentality of the State of Georgia; to authorize the authority to acquire, construct, equip, maintain, and operate certain projects, including buildings and facilities for use by Gilmer County for its governmental, proprietary, and administrative functions; to provide for members of the authority and their terms, organization, and reimbursement; to provide for vacancies; to define certain terms and words; to confer powers and impose duties on the authority; to grant limitations to the authority; to authorize the authority to enter into contracts and leases pertaining to uses of such facilities, which contracts and leases may obligate the lessees to make payment for the use of the facilities for the term thereof and to pledge for that purpose money derived from taxation; to provide that no debt of Gilmer County or the State of Georgia shall be incurred by the exercise of any of the powers granted; to authorize the issuance of revenue bonds of the authority payable from the revenues, rents, and earnings and other functions of the authority to pay the costs of such projects; to authorize the collecting and pledging of such revenues, rents, and earnings for the payment of such bonds; to authorize the adoption of resolutions and the execution of trust indentures to secure the payment of such bonds and to define the rights of the holders of such bonds; to provide for a sinking fund; to make the bonds of the authority exempt from taxation; to provide the right and power for the authority to condemn property of every kind and character; to authorize the issuance of refunding bonds; to provide for the validation of such bonds and to fix the venue for jurisdiction of actions relating to any provision of this Act; to exempt the property and income of the authority from taxation; to provide for immunity and exemption from liability for torts and negligence; to provide that the property of the authority shall not be subject to levy and sale; to provide that certain moneys are trust funds; to provide that this Act shall be liberally construed; to define the scope of the authority's operation; to provide for disposition of property upon authority dissolution; to provide for severability; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.