§ 4. Powers.  

Latest version.
  • The authority shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this Act including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power:


    To sue and be sued;


    To adopt and alter a corporate seal;


    To make and execute with public and private persons and corporations contracts, trusts, leases, rental agreements, and other instruments relating to its projects and in furtherance of the purposes of the authority, including contracts for constructing, renting, and leasing of its projects for the use of any county or municipality in this state;


    To acquire in its own name by purchase on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper or by condemnation in accordance with the provisions of any and all existing laws of the State of Georgia applicable to the condemnation of property for public use, including the power to proceed as a condemning body under the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of Title 22 of the O.C.G.A., relating to proceedings before a special master, or by gift, grant, lease, or otherwise, real property, or rights and easements therein and franchises and personal property necessary or convenient for its corporate purposes and to use the same so long as its corporate existence shall continue and to lease or make contracts with respect to the use of or disposition of the same in any manner it deems to the best advantage of the authority. Title to any such property shall be held by the authority exclusively for the benefit of the public. The authority shall be under no obligation to accept and pay for any property condemned as provided herein except from the funds provided therefor and, in proceedings to condemn, such orders may be made by the court having jurisdiction of the suit, action, or proceedings as may be just to the authority and to the owners of the property to be condemned; and no property shall be acquired as provided herein upon which any lien or other encumbrance exists, unless at the time such property is so acquired a sufficient sum of money shall be deposited in trust to pay and redeem the amount of such lien or encumbrance;


    To improve, extend, add to, reconstruct, renovate, or remodel any project or part thereof already acquired;


    To pledge or assign any revenues, income, rent, charges, and fees received by the authority;


    To appoint and select agents, engineers, architects, attorneys, fiscal agents, accountants, and employees and to provide for their compensation and duties;


    To construct, reconstruct, acquire, own, alter, repair, remodel, maintain, extend, improve, operate, manage, and equip projects located on land owned or leased by the authority;


    To receive, accept, and use any contributions, loans, or grants by persons, firms, or corporations, including the State of Georgia and the United States of America, and any other contributions;


    To pay all or part of the costs of any project from the proceeds of revenue bonds of the authority or from other lawful sources available to it;


    To prescribe rules and regulations for the operation of and to exercise police powers over the projects managed or operated by the authority;


    To accept, receive, and administer gifts, grants, loans and devises of money, material, and property of any kind, including loans and grants from the State of Georgia or the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof, upon such terms and conditions as the State of Georgia or the United States of America or such agency or instrumentality may impose;


    To sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge, mortgage, dispose of, grant in trust, or grant options for any real or personal property or interest therein in furtherance of the purposes of the authority;


    As security for repayment of authority obligations, to pledge, mortgage, convey, assign, hypothecate, or otherwise encumber any property, real or personal, of such authority and to execute any trust agreement, indenture, or security agreement containing any provisions not in conflict with law, which trust agreement, indenture, or security agreement may provide for foreclosure or forced sale of any property of the authority upon default, on such obligations, either in payment of principal or interest or in the performance of any term or condition, as are contained in such agreement or indenture;


    To borrow money for any of its corporate purposes, to issue revenue bonds payable solely from funds pledged for that purpose, and to provide for the payment of the same and for the rights of the holders thereof;


    To exercise all powers usually possessed by private corporations performing similar functions which are not in conflict with the Constitution and laws of this state; and


    Pursuant to proper resolution of the authority, to issue revenue bonds payable from the rents and revenues of the authority and its projects, which bonds may be issued in either fully negotiable coupon form, in which event they shall have all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the law of Georgia, or they may be issued in whole or in part in nonnegotiable fully registered form without coupons, payable to a designated payee or to the registered assigns of the payee with such conversion privileges as the authority may provide, for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost associated with the projects authorized by the authority, including the cost of constructing, reconstructing, equipping, extending, adding to, or improving such projects, or for the purpose of refunding, as herein provided, any such bonds of the authority therefore issued. If the proceeds of the bonds of any issue shall exceed the amount required for the purpose for which such bonds were issued, the surplus shall be paid into the fund provided for the payment of principal and interest on such bonds. All such revenue bonds shall be issued and validated under and in accordance with the procedure of Article 3 of Chapter 82 of Title 36 of the O.C.G.A., the Revenue Bond Law, and in accordance with all terms and provisions thereof not in conflict herewith and in accordance with Code Section 50-17-1 of the O.C.G.A., relating to use of facsimile signatures on public securities, and, as security for the payment of any revenue bonds so authorized, any rents and revenue of the authority may be pledged and assigned. Such bonds are declared to be issued for an essential public and governmental purpose, and such bonds and all income therefrom shall be exempt from all taxation within the State of Georgia. For the purpose of the exemption from taxation of such bonds and the income therefrom, the authority shall be deemed to be a political subdivision of the State of Georgia.

(2005 Ga. Laws (Act No. 215), page 3738, § 4)