§ 14-43. Impoundment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Length of time prescribed. Any nonbiting animal seized and impounded under any of the provisions of this article shall be detained for a period of five working days, ten days for biting animals, and if the ownership of the animal is not determined within that period, the animal shall be disposed of in such a manner as the animal control department may designate. Any animal seized that is wearing identification tags shall be kept for five days, ten days for biting animals, and the animal control department shall attempt to notify the owner in writing or by phone if possible.


    Waiver of time for health animals. If at any time during the required waiting period set forth above the owner indicates to the animal control department his intention to not reclaim the animal, the balance of the waiting period shall be waived and the animal shall be disposed of pursuant to this section.


    Waiver of time for sick and threatening animals. If at any time during the required waiting period, an examination of the animal by the animal control department indicates the animal to be severely sick and/or to be a threat to the health of other animals detained in the impoundment, the balance of the waiting period shall be waived and the animal shall be disposed of pursuant to this section.


    Authority to kill menacing animals. Nothing in this section shall prevent the animal control department from killing an animal when it determines that it is a menace to public safety or to other animals and cannot be impounded with reasonable effort.


    Certificate for sterilization. Any animal not heretofore sterilized which is released for purposes of adoption rather than to its owner for redemption shall be required to have a certificate purchased from the animal control department in the nonrefundable amount as set forth by the animal control department. This certificate shall be redeemable by any participating veterinarian in the county once the animal has been sterilized by the veterinarian from the county treasurer for the sum as set forth by the animal control department.


    Seizure and quarantining of animals that have been deemed harmful by the department of animal control. If an animal has harmed any person to the extent to where the skin is either scratched or punctured, that animal shall be seized and impounded in quarantine for a period of ten working days regardless of the knowledge of the ownership of that animal and the desire of such owner to release the animal.


    Destruction of animals seized three or more times. If any animal is seized and/or impounded under any of the provisions of this chapter on three or more occasions, the animal shall be destroyed at the discretion of the animal control department.

(Res. No. 06-176, Exh. A, 10-12-2006)