§ 18-96. General qualifications of applicant.  

Latest version.
  • No license under this article shall be granted where the application or the evidence on a hearing shows any of the following conditions to exist:


    That the applicant (as broadly defined in this article) is of bad moral character or has a bad reputation in the community or does not have sufficient mental capacity to conduct the business for which application is made.


    Any person who is not of good moral character.


    Any corporation, any of whose directors or shareholders are not of good moral character.


    Any partnership or association, any of whose partners or members are not of good moral character.


    Any applicant who is not qualified to hold and conduct business according to the laws of the United States, the state or the county.


    That the applicant has had any license issued under the police powers of any county or other governmental entity previously suspended or revoked.


    That the applicant, as a previous holder of a license to sell alcoholic beverages or for any special county license, or for any adult entertainment establishment, has violated any law, regulation or ordinance relating to such business within a ten-year period immediately preceding the date of application.


    That the applicant has a prior conviction as indicated in section 18-101.


    That any applicant, or any corporation or partnership of which the applicant is or was an officer, director, shareholder, general partner or managing agent, is delinquent in payment of any property tax or other tax or license fee payable to the county or to the state.


    The applicant has not paid all required fees and taxes.

(Ord. of 6-27-1996, § 12)