§ 40-7. River use plan contents.  

Latest version.
  • The river use plan required by this chapter shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information:


    Applicant's name, mailing address, and location of place of business.


    If the place of business is not located in the county, the name, address, telephone number, and other relevant contact information of a local agent within the county who will be available in the event of emergencies or other problems.


    Full description of all activities proposed to be conducted under the commercial river use permit being sought.


    Full descriptions, including location, of all planned ingress and egress from the water (and the designation of the land use classifications for said access points so the board of commissioners can determine that the use is consistent with the land use district), as well as all rest stops, lunch stops, or other planned non-emergency stops on adjoining lands.


    Full description, including location, of the parking facilities for the permittee's commercial vehicles, employees, clients, and guests.


    Written proof that the applicant has obtained the landowners' or managing public agencies' permission for the activities planned on all lands specified in response to subsections (4) and (5), if the applicant is not the landowner.


    Written confirmation that the permittee will provide shuttle transportation services to and from all points of ingress and egress. Vehicles used by permittee to transport clients, employees, or equipment shall meet all current state and federal vehicle code requirements. Operators of the vehicles shall hold the necessary appropriate current state issued driver's license. All state and federal laws governing passenger limits, restraints and use shall be strictly observed.


    Full description of planned safety measures for river users including an evacuation plan to be implemented in the case of equipment failure, rising water, or other issues arising during the customer's time on the river.


    Written proof of bodily injury and liability insurance covering all activities of the permittee and the permittee's employees or agents relating to or incidental to river use pursuant to the permit sought. Liability insurance must be for a minimum coverage of $1,000,000.00, which amount can change by resolution of the board of commissioners, must name the county, its officers and employees, as additional insureds and provide 30 day notice of cancellation to the county.

(Res. No. 17-042, 4-13-2017)