§ 42-1. Community greenspace program.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Adopted. The county hereby adopts the community greenspace program described in the report attached to the resolution from which this section is derived and by reference incorporated herein, and such report sets forth the county's greenspace protection goal and the methods and schedule the board of commissioners intends to use to achieve that stated goal.


    Implementation. The board of commissioners will diligently pursue the implementation of the community greenspace program as described in the report.


    Trust fund. The county hereby authorizes and shall establish a community greenspace trust fund to accept grants from the state greenspace trust fund and to accept funds from any other sources consistent with the state greenspace program. Such community fund shall be a special revenue fund as defined in O.C.G.A. § 36-81-2. Such community fund shall be consistent with the provisions of O.C.G.A. §§ 36-22-4, 36-22-7 and 36-22-12 and with the rules of the state department of natural resources Chapter 391-1-4 for administering the state greenspace program.


    Sources of funding. The county has described the sources of funding for greenspace that are available to the county other than the funds it will receive from the state greenspace trust fund.

(Res. of 2-14-2002)

Cross reference

Community development, ch. 26.