§ 46-64. Requirement for site plan; contents.  

Latest version.
  • Each applicant for a landfill or waste disposal system permit shall submit a site plan which shall include:


    The location of all equipment, roads, buildings, proposed or existing, and all points of ingress and egress. All existing county or state maintained roads within or adjacent to the property shall be clearly identified.


    The locations and identification of all existing or proposed buffers or boundaries, natural or manmade; with a topographical survey of the proposed site.


    A grading plan.


    The location and identification of all existing lakes, ponds, streams, rivers or other waterways including wetlands and the 100-year floodplain, with an impact study as to the effect of this article on each.


    Location of the nearest surface water intake for a public drinking water source.


    Erosion control plan approved by the state soil and water conservation commission.


    A traffic study by state department of transportation.


    Proposed handling and temporary storage areas for equipment and for waste types which are not permitted but which may incidentally be separated from proper waste and which must be removed daily.

(Ord. of 2-11-1992, § 1(E))