§ 78-86. Procedures for development of RV parks and campgrounds.  

Latest version.
  • All RV parks and campgrounds, or expansions of sites of existing parks, developed after April 11, 1996, shall meet the following site plan requirements:


    Site plan approval required. All RV park and campground developments shall require site plan approval by the planning commission in accordance with the procedures and requirements established in this article. Site plans required under this article shall contain the seal of a state registered engineer or surveyor. No permits shall be issued for any development until final approval is granted subject to all requirements.


    Submission of preliminary plan. Prior to making any street improvements or installing any utilities, or other improvements, the developer shall submit five copies of a preliminary plan prepared in accordance with the provisions of this article to the planning commission a minimum of ten working days prior to the meeting date that the developer desires planning commission action. The preliminary plan shall include the following information:


    The name, of proposed park and campground, and the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.


    The name, address, seal and signature of a registered surveyor or engineer certifying the accuracy of the plan.


    Location map and legal description of the RV park and campground; north point (designated magnetic or true).


    Complete plans to scale of one inch equals not more than 100 feet and specifications of the proposed park showing:


    The area and dimensions of the tract of land.


    The number, location, and dimensions of all sites.


    The locations and width of streets, the location and size of drainage mechanisms proposed, including the size of each application drainage area.


    The location of service buildings and other proposed structures.


    The location of water and sewer lines and riser pipes.


    Plans and specifications of the water supply and refuse and sewage disposal facilities.


    Plans and specifications of all buildings constructed or to be constructed within the RV park and campground.


    The location of all street lights.


    The location of bulk refuse containers, perimeter walls, and park identification signs.


    The location, dimensions, and treatment of all required buffer or screening areas.


    A soil erosion and sedimentation plan meeting the requirements of chapter 70, article II, as may be subsequently amended.


    Identification of areas of special flood hazard.


    Written tentative approval for an on-site sewage management system by the board of health, after having submitted a preliminary plan to the board of health with all information required in this subsection, including soil types, soil charts, and contours in compliance with the soil erosion and sedimentation control provisions contained in chapter 70, article II, as may be subsequently amended.


    A brief description of the type of RV park or campground proposed, the type of RV or other camping units to be permitted and/or provided and the type of camper/RV targeted and/or permitted in the proposed park or campground.


    Approval/disapproval of preliminary plan. The planning commission shall have 30 days from the date of preliminary plan submission to approve or disapprove the preliminary plan for the proposed RV park and campground. Failure of the planning commission to act within 45 days shall be deemed approval of such plan.


    Submission of final plan.


    Approval of the preliminary plan by the planning commission shall authorize the developer to proceed with actual construction and development of the proposed RV park and campground. Upon completion of all required improvements, the developer shall submit the original and five copies of a final plan to the planning commission a minimum of ten working days prior to the meeting date that the developer desires planning commission action. The final plan shall be drawn on reproducible material to a scale one inch equals not more than 100 feet and shall include the following:


    Name of RV park and campground.


    Name and address of owner.


    Scale, north arrow, and date.


    Location sketch map.


    Total number of acres in park.


    Sufficient data to determine readily on the ground the location, bearing, and length of every street line, boundary line, and lot lines, and location of each site and buildings.


    Final plan of sewage treatment system including location and size of sewer lines, septic tanks, drainfields, and points of discharge (if applicable).


    Final plan of storm sewer system with grade, pipe sizes, and location of outlets.


    Final plan of the water supply system including location and size of water lines, wells, storage tanks, and pumping stations, if any.


    Final plan of buffer areas and screening, if required.


    Final plan of the refuse collections system including size and location of dumpsters.


    Designation and data on any flood hazard areas in accordance with chapter 74, as may subsequently be amended.


    The final plan shall also include the following signed certifications:


    Certification by a registered engineer or surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the plan.


    Certification of approval of the water supply and sewerage systems by the appropriate authority.


    The final plan shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed rules and regulations for the operation of the proposed RV park or campground.


    Approval of final plan. Within 30 days after submission of the final plan together with all required supporting data and certifications, the planning commission shall review and approve or disapprove the plan. Failure of the planning commission to act within 45 days shall be deemed approval of such plan.


    Development compliance. At least 100 percent of each phase of all planned spaces, as well as all streets, utilities, and other required improvements necessary to serve them pursuant to these regulations must be completely constructed according to the RV park and campground plan approved by the planning commission before the first building permit will be issued. Failure of the developer or applicant to construct this minimum phase within two years after approval by the planning commission shall cause such approval to expire.

(Ord. of 9-23-1999(3), § 6)

Cross reference

Community development, ch. 26; planning, ch. 42.