§ 78-87. Design and construction standards.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the following standards, all RV parks and campgrounds must comply with the applicable provisions of all state, federal and local laws including, but not limited to, chapters 66 and 74 and article II of chapter 70, of this Code, O.C.G.A. § 30-3-1 et seq., and Rules of Department of Human Resources Chapter 290-5-26 governing on-site sewage management systems, as may be subsequently amended.


    General standards.


    Use of mobile homes/manufactured homes. Mobile homes/manufactured homes shall not be permitted in any RV park or campground, except that a mobile home/manufactured home may be permitted for use as an office and/or residence of park/campground owner/manager/caretaker.


    Continuous camping or occupancy. Continuous camping or occupancy of a camping unit on a rental site with a RV park or campground shall be restricted to a maximum of 180 days. Such lots shall not be utilized as a permanent residence by the RV owner or any user thereof. Check in and check out within the succeeding 180 days, following the initial 180 days or any additional 180-day period thereafter, will not be allowed. Those parties desiring a longer stay shall, upon payment of the appropriate fee therefor, procure a special exception permit. Any special exception permit will only be effective for a maximum of one year.


    Buildings and other structures. Any building or other structure constructed within a RV park or campground must be permitted and constructed in accordance with chapter 66, as may be subsequently amended.


    Density. The average density shall not exceed 18 camping unit sites per acre.


    Camping unit site access.


    Each camping unit site shall be designed and constructed at such elevation, distance, and angle with respect to its access to provide for safe and efficient placement and removal of camping units and other vehicles.


    Each occupied RV unit site shall have a vehicular access. Any site designed for the exclusive use of a tent, teepee or yurt may be permitted to be accessible only by a walkway, but shall be located within 100 feet of parking areas.


    RV sites shall provide a sufficient parking space to accommodate an RV plus one passenger vehicle, unless parallel parking is provided along the road in accordance with subsection (1)g.1 of this section.


    Camping unit separation. Camping units shall not be located closer than 20 feet from any other camping unit or permanent building within or adjacent to the RV park or campground.


    Roads and driveways.


    Minimum widths of recreational vehicle parks or campground roads and driveways designed to accommodate all recreational vehicles shall be 15 feet for one way roads, 22 feet for double lane roads, and include eight feet per parallel parking lane when provided by operator.


    Roads and driveways shall be easily traversable and have a well-drained surface. They shall follow existing contours as much as possible and not exceed a 16 percent slope.


    Road and driveway curves designed for use by all types and sizes of recreational vehicles shall have a minimum internal radius of 25 feet.


    T-Turnarounds or equivalents shall be provided for all dead-end driveways over 100 feet in length. Those designed for use by recreational vehicles shall have a minimum internal radius of 25 feet.


    Site identification. Each camping unit site shall be marked for identification. Such markers shall be easily readable from the driveways.


    Utility connection assembly. When potable water supply connection, sewer inlet connection, electrical power, television connection and phone connection supply or discharge outlets are provided for a individual RV site they may be grouped together in one assembly under the following conditions:


    The assembly shall be located on the left rear half of the site (left side of recreational vehicle) within four feet of the stand. Recreational vehicles with slideouts shall maintain a minimum distance of two feet from the utility connection assembly to the slideout in its extended position.


    The assembly shall be capable of supporting the utilities as attached thereto and is designed for the purpose of providing such services to individual recreational vehicles.


    Swimming and bathing facilities. If provided, such facilities shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.


    Fire safety standards. In addition to standards contained in the Standard Fire Prevention Code and the NFPA 501-D, the following standards shall apply to recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds.


    Campfires. Designated outdoor campfire locations, if provided, shall be in safe and convenient areas where they will not constitute fire hazards to vegetation, undergrowth, trees, and camping units.


    Refuse. Areas under and around units shall be kept free from accumulation of refuse. A refuse disposal system shall be provided. Burning of refuse, when permitted, shall be done only in approved incinerators.


    Empty LP-gas containers. Empty liquefied petroleum gas containers shall not be placed or stored under recreational vehicles. Container shall be stored in an area designated for such storage.


    Filling LP-gas containers. Filling of LP-gas containers shall conform with NFPA 58, The Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, or be in conformance with guidelines established by the state safety fire commissioner.


    Building detection systems. Fire detection and alarm systems installed in buildings open to the public shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72A, Standards on Local Protective Signaling Systems. See also NFPA 71, Signaling Systems for Central Station Service; NFPA 72B, Auxiliary Protective Signalizing Systems; NFPA 72C Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems; or NFPA 72D, Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems, for other suitable types of fire protection signaling systems.


    Fire extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers provided by the park operator shall be of the multipurpose dry chemical type or equal. Such extinguishers shall have a minimum rating of 2A:20B:C and shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.


    Use of fire protection equipment. The RV park and campground operator shall provide instruction for the park staff in the use of the fire protection equipment available and define their specific duties in the event of fire.


    Evacuation plan. Each RV park and campground shall have a written evacuation plan approved by the authority having jurisdiction.


    Fire safety rules and regulations. Fire safety miles and regulations shall be conspicuously posted by the operator. These regulations shall contain the following information and/or as required by the local fire department:


    The telephone number of the fire department.


    The location of the nearest emergency medical facility.


    The telephone number of the sheriff's office.


    The telephone number of the RV park or campground owner/manager.


    The location of the RV park or campground.


    The location of the nearest public telephone.


    Water supply standards. In addition to the Standard Plumbing Code, including Appendix B, as adopted by the board of commissioners and as may be subsequently amended, the following standards shall apply to RV parks and campgrounds:


    Potable water supply and distribution.


    The supply or supplies of water shall comply with the requirements of the state department of human resources and the state department of natural resources.


    An RV park or campground located within 1,000 feet of an existing public water system is required to connect to such public water system.


    Where the RV park or campground has its own water supply system, the components of the system shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction.


    A potable watering station, if provided, for filling RV potable water tanks, shall be located at least 50 feet from a waste disposal station. When such is provided, adjacent to the potable water outlet, there shall be posted a sign of durable material, not less than two feet by two feet and inscribed thereon in clearly legible letters shall be: "POTABLE WATER. NOT TO BE USED FOR FLUSHING WASTE TANKS." or other similar warning.


    The potable water system shall be protected from backflow by means of a listed vacuum breaker located downstream from the last shutoff valve.


    Minimum water supply. The water supply system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the following:


    A minimum of 25 gallons per day per site for sites without individual water connections.


    A minimum of 50 gallons per day per site for sites with individual water connections.


    A minimum of 50 gallons per day per site if water flush closets are provided in restrooms.


    Pressure and volume. Where water is distributed under pressure, the water supply system shall be designed to provide a minimum flow pressure of 20 psi with a minimum flow of two gallons per minute at any outlet. The maximum pressure at any site shall not exceed 80 psi.


    Water supplies for fire protection. Water supplies for fire protection purposes shall meet the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.


    Outlets. Water outlets shall be conveniently located and, when not piped to individual camping unit sites, shall not be located farther than 200 feet from any site. Provisions shall be made to prevent accumulations of standing water or the creation of muddy conditions at each water outlet.


    Drinking fountains. If provided, drinking fountains shall be in conformance with the Standard for Drinking Fountains and Self-Contained, Mechanically Refrigerated Drinking Water Coolers, ANSI/ARI 10l0-1994.


    Prohibited connections. The potable water supply shall not be connected to any nonpotable or unapproved water supply.


    Potable water connections at individual camping unit sites. All wells, springs, and similar sources of water intended for potable purposes shall be properly constructed, located and protected to exclude surface contamination and to minimize the potential of contamination from sanitary hazards. Each potable water connection shall consist of a water riser pipe that shall be equipped with a threshold male spigot, one-half inch minimum eight gpm backflow preventor, located at least 12 inches but not more than 24 inches above grade level.


    Storage tanks. Water storage tanks shall be constructed of impervious materials, protected against contamination, and provided with locked, watertight covers. Any overflow or ventilation openings shall be down facing and provided with corrosion resistant screening of not less than number 24 mesh to prevent the entrance of insects and vermin. Water storage tanks shall not have direct connections to sewers.


    Sanitary conveniences. In addition to the Standard Plumbing Code, including Appendix B, as adopted by the board of commissioners and as may be subsequently amended, and the Rules of the Department of Human Resources Chapter 290-5-26 governing on-site sewage management systems, the following standards shall apply to RV parks and campgrounds. All sanitary conveniences shall be installed in accordance with standards of this article.


    Sewage facilities approval. Each sewage disposal system shall be approved by the health department. Stormwater sewers shall be separate and apart from any sewers intended for the conveyance of sewage.


    Pipe materials, sizes and installation.


    Piping material and design layout for sewers shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction. If such material and layout are not provided, the requirements of this article shall apply.


    The minimum diameters of sewer laterals, branches, and mains serving camping unit sites shall be in accordance with Table 1.


    When the sewage system is sized in accordance with Table 1, the minimum grade or slope of drainage pipe shall be not less than shown in Table 2.


    The sewer lines shall be located to prevent damage from vehicular traffic and frost heaving.


    All sewer line joints and sewer connections shall be watertight.


    Cleanouts shall be provided at the upper terminal of each sewer main or branch and at intervals not exceeding 50 feet along any straight run or portion thereof.


    Every change in alignment or grade in excess of 22 degrees shall be served by a cleanout except that a cleanout shall not be required for a single 45-degree bend or a single offset that comprises two 45-degree bends.


    Manholes may be used in lieu of cleanouts and shall not be spaced more than 400 feet apart.


    Horizontal-to-horizontal changes in direction shall be made with 45-degree "Y" branches, combination "Y" and 1/8 bend branches, or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep.


    Materials used must comply with the Standard Plumbing Static Water Test.


    Each main sewer line must be vented (four feet).


    Sewer inlets must be four inches and trapped.


    Service laterals longer than 30 feet must be vented.

    TABLE 1

    Maximum Number of
    Camping Unit Sites
    Maximum Pipe Sizes
    Inches (ID)
    Up to 36 4
    71 5
    400 6


    TABLE 2

    Minimum Grade or Slope of Drainage Pipe Slope per 100 Feet

    Inches Inches Millimeters
    4 15 381
    5 11 279
    6 8 203



    Sewer inlet connections at individual recreational vehicle unit sites.


    All sites designed for RV's to which connection will be provided between the RV water supply system and the RV park or campground water supply system must provide a sewer inlet for connection to the individual RV sewage and gray water drainage system.


    When provided, the sewer connections for individual recreational vehicle unit sites shall be located so as to minimize damage by the parking of recreational vehicle or automobiles.


    The connection shall consist of a sewer riser extending vertically to grade. The minimum diameter of the sewer riser pipe shall be four inches and it shall be provided with a four-inch inlet or a minimum four-inch female fitting.


    The sewer riser pipe shall be firmly embedded in the ground and be protected against damage from heaving or shifting and the entrance of surface water. It shall be provided with a light fitting plug or cap that shall be secured by a durable chain (or equivalent) to prevent loss.


    The sewer riser pipe shall not be required to be individually vented, regardless of the use of traps at each inlet.


    A drain connector shall be sealed and fit to the camping stand inlet connector.


    RV sanitary disposal stations.


    One recreational vehicle sanitary disposal station shall be provided for each 100 recreational vehicle sites, or parts thereof, that are not equipped with individual sewer connections.


    Each station, where provided, shall be convenient to access from the service driveway, and shall provide easy ingress and egress for recreational vehicles.


    Unless other approved means are used, each station shall have a concrete slab with a center drain inlet located so as to be on the driveway (left) side of the recreational vehicle.


    The slab shall be not less than three feet by three at least 3½-inch thick and properly reinforced, the surface of which is troweled to a smooth finish and sloped from each side inward to a sewer inlet.


    The sewer inlet shall consist of a four inch self-closing, foot-operated hatch of approved material with a tightfitting cover. The hatch body shall be set in the concrete of the slab with the up of the opening flush with its surface to facilitate the cleansing of the slab with water. The hatch shall be properly connected to a sewer inlet, which shall discharge to an approved sanitary sewage disposal facility constructed in accordance with ANSI AI 19.4 Section 4-8.1, or the International Private Sewage Disposal Code, ANSI ICC IPSDC-2000.


    Holding tank flushing facilities.


    Where holding tank flushing facilities are provided by the operator, the following standards shall apply.


    Holding tank flushing facilities shall consist of a piped supply of water under pressure, terminating in a valved outlet located and installed to minimize damage by automobiles or recreational vehicles. The flushing device shall consist of a properly supported riser terminating at least two feet above the ground surface with a three-quarter-inch valved outlet to which is attached a flexible hose.


    The water supply to the flushing device shall be protected from backflow by means of a listed vacuum breaker located downstream from the last shutoff valve.


    Adjacent to the flushing arrangement there shall be posted a sign of durable material, not less than two feet by two feet in size, and inscribed thereon in clearly legible letters shall be: "DANGER — NOT TO BE USED FOR DRINKING OR DOMESTIC PURPOSES" or similar warning.


    Gray water. Adequate provisions shall be made for the disposal of dish water and other gray water into the park's sewage system or into facilities approved by the health department and planning commission.


    Sanitary facilities.


    Toilets shall be provided at one or more locations in every RV park and campground in accordance with Appendix B of the Standard Plumbing Code.


    Toilet facilities shall have convenience of access and shall be located within 200 feet from any camping units not provided with an individual sewer connection.


    Each female toilet room shall be provided with a receptacle for sanitary napkins. The receptacle shall be of durable, nonpervious, and ready to clean material and shall be provided with a lid.


    All bathroom facilities shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, specifically O.C.G.A. title 30, chapter 3.


    Each toilet shall be in a separate compartment and shall be provided with a latch for privacy and holder or dispenser for toilet paper. Dividing walls or partitions shall be at least five feet high and if separated from the floor, shall be by a space not greater than 12 inches.


    Every toilet building shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven feet.


    Facilities for males and for females shall be appropriately marked.


    Unless artificial light is provided, the total window or skylight area shall be equal to at least ten percent of the floor area.


    Unless provided with listed nonclosable ventilation system, every toilet room shall have permanent, nonclosable, screened opening having a total area not less than five percent of the floor area opening directly to the exterior in order to provide proper ventilation.


    All openable windows and vents to the outside shall be provided with flyproof screens of not less than number 16 mesh.


    All doors to the exterior shall open outward, be self-closing, and shall be visually screened by means of a vestibule or wall to prevent direct view of the interior when the exterior doors are open. Such screening shall not be required on single toilet units.


    The interior finish of walls shall be moisture resistant to a height of four feet to facilitate washing and cleaning.


    The floors shall be constructed of material impervious to water and shall be easy to clean. Any toilet building having flush toilets shall be provided with a floor drain in the toilet room. This drain shall be provided with means to protect the trap seal as required by this article.


    Showers. Showers shall be of the individual type, and each shower area shall be visually screened from view. All shower compartments, regardless of shape, shall have a minimum finished interior of 1,024 square inches (0.66 m ) and shall also be capable of encompassing a 30 inches (762 mm) circle. The minimum required area and dimensions shall be measured at a height equal to the top of the threshold and at a point tangent to its centerline. The minimum area and dimension shall be maintained to a point 70 inches (1778 mm) above the shower drain outlet with no protrusions other than the fixture valve or valves, shower head, and safety grab bars or rails. Each shower area shall be designed to minimize the flow of water in to the dressing area and shall be properly connected to the sewage system by means of a trapped inlet.


    If showers are provided, and individual dressing area, visually screened from view, shall also be provided with minimum floor area of 36 inches by 36 inches (0.9 mm by 0.9 mm) per shower, and such dressing areas shall be equipped with a minimum of one clothing hook and stool (or equivalent bench area).


    The floor of showers and dressing areas shall have an impervious skid-resistant surface.


    Open showers provided exclusively for the removal of sand, etc., following beach activities need not comply with the provisions of this subsection.


    Refuse disposal standards.


    Each RV park or campground shall be provided with a sanitary method of solid waste collection and disposal. Collection facilities shall be either in the form of bulk containers (dumpsters) of sufficient size and adequately distributed throughout the park to meet the needs of the park residents. Bulk containers shall either be screened or sited so as to remain hidden from the public right-of-way enclosed with a minimum four-foot high chainlink fence, and placed upon a concrete pad, extending at least 18 inches around each container perimeter. If individual containers are utilized, stands must be provided to hold the refuse containers upright. Collection services shall be provided at least once weekly and conveyed to the nearest approved salutary landfill. Refuse areas shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary manner so as not to attract, harbor, or breed insects, rodents or any manner of vermin or pest. Refuse areas shall be located a minimum of 50 feet away from any public right-of-way.


    Care shall be taken to maintain the park area free of dry brush, leaves, and weeds which might spread fires between camping units and service or recreation buildings in the RV park or campground.




    All sites designed for RV's shall provide electrical connections in accordance with the National Electrical Code, as adopted by the board of commissioners.


    All service buildings and other facilities shall be built in accordance with the National Electrical Code.


    The recreational vehicle park shall be adequately lighted with outdoor lighting facilities located no more than every 150 feet along interior access roads. The first light shall be within 100 feet from the entrance to the recreational vehicle park.

(Ord. of 9-23-1999(3), § 7)