§ 82-62. Information required on preliminary plat or accompanying the preliminary plat.  

Latest version.
  • The following information is required for preliminary plat review:


    A completed preliminary plat application.


    The proposed layout of lots and streets shall be shown on a drawing at a scale of not less than one inch equals 200 feet.


    The drawing shall contain a graphic scale, north arrow, date, acreage to be subdivided, tax map and parcel number, land use district and the owner/developer's name, address, and 24-hour telephone number.


    A location sketch map shall be provided which shows the location of the site in relation to existing public roads, streams, power transmission lines, etc.


    Topography shall be shown at vertical intervals of not more than five feet. The drawing shall indicate how or from what source topography was determined. Topography shall be site specific (not from U.S.G.S. "Quad" Maps) and either developed from a field survey or by photogrammetric methods.


    The names and land use district of adjoining property owners shall be shown in relation to the proposed development.


    The plat shall contain the proposed name of the development and street names and a statement as to whether the streets are proposed to be dedicated to Gilmer County or to be privately maintained. If streets are to be privately maintained, preliminary plat shall also include private road construction acknowledgement. If streets are to be dedicated to Gilmer County, developer must insure full compliance with section 82-186.


    All buffers, setbacks, and reserve strips shall be graphically shown and shall demonstrate minimum lot width at the building site.


    All right-of-way widths shall be shown, along with street width and surface types.


    The proposed vertical and horizontal alignment of streets shall be shown including centerline curve data. The vertical profile must be designed from field ran or photogrammetric data. U.S.G.S. Quad Map Topography shall not be acceptable. The source of information shall be stated.


    A detailed plan of the developer's proposal of how to enter the county or public right-of-way shall be furnished. The plan may be a separate sheet or a detail but must contain the data required by section 82-186 [82-185]. Where entrances occur on state routes, the developer must obtain and submit an entrance permit from the state department of transportation.


    Soil classification data and soil scientist report related to sewage systems (if required by health department).


    A permanent fixed benchmark on-site shall be shown, from which the vertical design is referenced. Assumed datum is allowable unless a 100-year floodplain is within or adjacent to the site in which case the established floodplain elevation shall be identified, noted, and used. Datum for 100-year floodplains shall be mean sea level. To distinguish the on-site benchmark from permanent monuments set by U.S.G.S., T.V.A., G.D.O.T., N.G.S., etc., the acronym "TBM" (for Temporary Bench Mark) is allowed.


    Permits and variances, if any, (such as FEMA, DNR, DHR, etc.) documentation indicating compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES permit) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulations.


    If the subdivision is to use a Georgia Department of Natural Resources permitted water system, documentation to that effect must be provided and shall be stated on the preliminary plat. If the subdivision is to use public water supply, documentation must be provided demonstrating that the public water supply agency agrees to supply water to the subdivision and same shall be stated on the preliminary plat.


    Lot sizes and dimensions (to nearest foot).


    Indicate the boundary of any flood hazard areas and the base flood elevations. Provide flood study prepared by a Georgia licensed professional engineer if data is not available from a Federal Emergency Management Agency published study. If the site is not located in an identified flood hazard area, provide a statement to that effect. State the applicable flood insurance rate map (F.I.R.M) panel and date.


    Sediment, erosion and pollution control plan.


    Hydrology data and design of surface drainage and drainage structures. All storm drainage design must be for the 25-year storm unless crossing a stream with a mapped or studied floodplain, which crossing must be designed for the 100-year storm. The increase in runoff from the development shall be addressed and engineering design for managing the runoff shall be provided.


    Certificates required in section 82-64.


    As applicable, seal of the surveyor and/or engineer.


    The minimum lot size, water source, and sewerage source.


    Temporary cul-de-sac and phase lines.


    Typical roadway sections for all proposed roads.


    Other data necessary to complete the review required by this chapter by reviewing authorities required by this chapter.


    All documents which will be required with the final plat shall be provided, in draft form, with the preliminary plat submittal. This may include property owners associations, private road maintenance agreements, covenants and restrictions.

(Ord. of 3-27-2003(5), § 3.200; Res. No. 06-47, 3-8-2006; Res. No. 06-190, §§ c—f, 11-9-2006; Res. No. 10-006, 1-28-2010)