§ 82-64. Preliminary plat certificates.  

Latest version.
  • The following certificates shall be placed on the preliminary plat, or a cover sheet to the preliminary plat, and be signed by the appropriate authorities prior to submission of the preliminary plat to the planning commission for approval. The developer is responsible for obtaining the required signatures.

    Preliminary Design Certificate

    I certify that this preliminary plat(s) correctly represents data compiled or verified through a survey completed by a registered land surveyor. I further certify that the design of the proposed streets (including geometric design), lots and other improvements comply with the minimum design standards of the Gilmer County Land Development Ordinance Additionally, I certify that all requirements of the County's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance with respect to the preliminary plat(s) has been complied with.



    Date: _______

    * Land Surveyor License Number: _______ Seal:

    Stormwater Design Certificate

    I certify that the stormwater conveyance structures designed herein are designed in accordance with the Gilmer County Land Development Ordinance and with sound Hydrology and Hydraulic principles.

    Date: ___________

    Name: ___________

    Registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor License Number: _______ Seal:

    Tentative Approval for Private Subsurface Sewage Disposal

    The lots proposed hereon are generally suitable for subsurface sewage disposal with the listed or attached restrictions.

    This certificate does not constitute final approval of the sewage disposal system for this subdivision.

    Date: _______

    Gilmer County Health Department Representative:


    Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan

    I have reviewed a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan for the noted subdivision and have found the plan to meet the design requirements of the State of Georgia and the Gilmer County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Standards. This certificate is for plan approval only and does not certify proper implementation.

    Date: _______

    Natural Resources Conservation Service Representative:


    Street Name(s) Approval

    The proposed street name(s) do not appear to conflict with any existing street name(s) in the county.

    Date: _______

    911 Representative: ___________

    Fire Department Certification

    This is to certify that the subdivision depicted hereon is located in the area of responsibility of the Gilmer County Fire Department. Fire Hydrants are currently (not) available. Fire suppression services will initially be supplied by means of tanker vehicles. All roads as inspected meet the International Fire Code, or where applicable, satisfy the requirements of the Gilmer County Fire Chief.


    Fire Chief (or his designee) _______

    Preliminary Plat Approval

    This preliminary plat has been reviewed by the Gilmer County Planning Office and is herby approved under the provisions of the Gilmer County Land Development Ordinance. The proposed development is consistent with the land use district in which it is located.

    Date: ___________

    Gilmer County Zoning Administrator:


    Developers Certificate

    This is to certify that the undersigned has delivered copies of these plans to all applicable utility providers that may be associated with the project. It is further agreed that the undersigned will comply with all requirements of the Code of Gilmer County.

    Date: ___________



    Private Road Construction Acknowledgement

    This is to certify that the roads or streets within this proposed development will be constructed according to standards set forth in sections 82-177, 82-187, and 82-190. It will be the responsibility of the developer to provide photographs of each section of the road as it was constructed, especially topsoil removal, culvert placement, and building of fill slopes, along with detailed weekly construction reports (may use the same as required of the primary or secondary permittee under NPDES requirements). It is also acknowledged that the road construction contractor will be required to sign a Private Road Construction Certificate on the final plat which will further attest to the construction of the roads or streets.

    Developer Date

(Ord. of 3-27-2003(5), § 3.202; Res. No. 06-47, 3-8-2006; Res. No. 10-006, 1-28-2010; Ord. No. 16-164, 12-8-2016)