§ 82-94. Final plat certificates.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following applicable certificates shall be placed on the final plat, or a cover sheet to the final plat, and be signed by the appropriate authorities prior to submission of the final plat to the planning commission.

    Developers Certificate

    I certify that all requirements of the Gilmer County Land Development Ordinance and applicable state and federal rules, regulations and laws have been complied with and that no lot(s) have been conveyed in said subdivision.

    Date: ___________

    Developer: ___________

    Address: ___________

    Sworn to and subscribed before me this _______ day of _______, _______

    Notary Public
    My commission expires:

    Final Surveyor's Certificate

    I certify that this plat(s) is true and correct and contains sufficient surveying information to permit the plat to be duplicated on the ground. All monuments and lot pins shown hereon actually exist and their location, size and type are correctly shown. I further certify that all requirements of the Gilmer County Land Development Ordinance have been complied with.

    Date: _______

    Registered Land Surveyor License Number: _______ Seal:

    Name, address and telephone number:


    Sworn to and subscribed before me this _______ day of _______, _______

    Notary Public (Seal)
    My Commission Expires:

    Certificate of Private Water System

    The drinking water supply for this development is a private system permitted by the Georgia [Department] of Natural Resources and has been installed in accordance with plans approved by the same. The undersigned certifies ownership and responsibility for the operation of the system.

    Water System Owner/Operator _____ Date _____
    (Provide name, address, and telephone no.)



    Certificate of Public Water Supply

    The drinking water supply for this development is the public system listed below. All lines and fixtures have been installed in a manner acceptable to the public system.

    Public Water System Representative _____ Date _____
    (Provide name, address, and telephone no.)


    Subsurface Sewage Disposal

    I have reviewed the final plat(s) and have found the plat(s) in conformance with Gilmer County Health Department requirements. This approval does not relieve individual lot owners from obtaining sewage disposal permits.

    Date: _______

    Gilmer County Health Department Representative:


    Streets and Drainage

    I have visited the site and it appears that the streets and drainage structures shown on this final plat(s) have been installed in conformance with the approved preliminary plat(s) and the Gilmer County street requirements.

    Date: _______

    Gilmer County Road Department: _____

    Tax Assessor

    I have reviewed the final plat for incorporation into the County Tax Digest.

    Date: _______

    Chief Appraiser or Deputy: _____

    Property Owners Association (If Applicable)

    I have reviewed the legal document creating the property owners association for the noted development and have found the association is duly created and covenants, conditions and restrictions applying to the property appear sufficient to assure continued maintenance of commonly owned property and improvements in the development

    Date: _______

    Gilmer County Attorney: _____

    Private Road Maintenance Review

    I have reviewed the legal documentation that will govern the maintenance of the private roads within this subdivision and find it to be adequate.

    Date: _______

    Gilmer County Attorney: _____

    Private Road Maintenance Acknowledgement (If Applicable)

    The new streets created by this subdivision are to be privately maintained as further described in the attached or referenced documentation. These streets do not meet the requirements for dedication into the county road system and will not be considered by the Board of Commissioners for acceptance into the county road system until all such requirements are met. It is generally understood that these streets will remain privately maintained.




    Certificate of Road Dedication (If Applicable)

    The new streets created by this subdivision are hereby dedicated to Gilmer County as evidence by the accompanying right-of-way deed. The Board of Commissioners have voted to accept said roads subject to the terms of maintenance security for a period of 2 years from the date of said vote.


          County Clerk


    Fire Department Certification

    This is to certify that the subdivision depicted hereon is located in the area of responsibility of the Gilmer County Fire Department. Fire Hydrants are currently not available. Fire suppression services will initially be supplied by means of tanker vehicles. All roads as inspected meet the International Fire Code, or where applicable, satisfy the requirements of the Gilmer County Fire Chief.


    Fire Chief (or his designee) _______

    Development Office Approval

    The final subdivision plat shown hereon has been reviewed by Gilmer County Planning Office and is herby approved under the provisions of the Gilmer County Land Use Ordinance, and the Gilmer County Development Ordinance

    Date: _______

    Gilmer County Zoning Administrator: _____

    Private Road Construction Certificate

    The undersigned road construction contractor hereby certifies that the construction standards set forth in Gilmer County Code, sections 82-177, 82-187, and 82-190 were complied with during the construction of the private roads or streets shown on this final plat.

    Road Construction Contractor Company:


    Address & Phone Number:




    Authorized person signature  printed name  date

    BEFORE ME ON THIS THE ________ DAY OF ________, 20___

    Notary Public
    My Commission Expires:



    No plat will be approved with contingencies. Any issues raised by the planning commission shall be addressed by the developer and resubmitted for review and approval.


    The approval of the final plat by the planning commission indicates to the developer that the plat is approved for recording in the county office of superior court clerk. The approved plat along with any covenants and declarations or road maintenance documents or road dedication documents shall be recorded within ten working days or the approval is invalid.

    Note: No lot shall be conveyed in any subdivision until the final plat is recorded.

(Ord. of 3-27-2003(5), § 3.302; Res. No. 06-47, 3-8-2006; Res. No. 06-190, § h, 11-9-2006; Res. No. 10-006, 1-28-2010; Ord. No. 16-164, 12-8-2016)