§ 82-175. Arrangement of continuing and dead-end streets.  

Latest version.
  • Where a subdivision will contain temporary or permanent dead-end streets they shall be designed as follows:


    Arrangement of continuing streets. The arrangement of streets shall provide for the continuation of major streets between adjacent properties when such continuation is necessary for convenient movements of traffic, effective fire protection, efficient provisions of utilities, and when such continuation is in accordance with the major street or road plan. If the adjacent property is undeveloped and the street must be a dead-end street temporarily, the right-of-way shall be extended to the property line.


    Temporary turnarounds: Where a street which will continue into a future phase extends farther that the lot lines of a corner lot, a temporary gravel turn-around, circular and 60 foot (minimum) in diameter shall be provided. Temporary turnarounds shall not be located on any lot in the current phase but must be located completely within the future phase


    Dead-end streets. Where a street does not extend beyond the boundary of the subdivision and its continuation is not required by the planning commission for access to adjoining property, its terminus shall normally not be nearer to such boundary than 50 feet. However, the planning commission may require the reservation of an appropriate easement to accommodate drainage facilities, pedestrian traffic, or utilities. The physical end of the road shall conform to cul-de-sac and turnaround requirements.

(Ord. of 3-27-2003(5), § 3.503; Res. No. 06-47, 3-8-2006)